Zoetis Quest Plus Gel

Zoetis Quest Plus Gel

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Active Ingredients

Each mL contains 20 mg of moxidectin (2% w/v) and 125 mg of praziquantel (12.5% w/v).


benzyl alcohol (22.59% w/v)

QUEST PLUS Gel is indicated for the treatment of internal parasitic infections caused by the following parasites in healthy horses and ponies, 4 months of age or older:


Strongylus vulgaris (adults)

S. edentatus (adults and visceral, migratory stages)

Triodontophorus brevicauda (adults)

T. serratus (adults)

QUEST PLUS Gel is also indicated as an aid in the treatment of parasitic infections caused by the arterial stages of S. vulgaris.


Adult and luminal, larval (L4) stages of Cyathostomum spp., including Cyathostomum catinatum and C. pateratum;

Adult and luminal, larval (L4) stages of Cylicocyclus spp., including Cylicocyclus brevicapsulatus, C. elongatus, C. insigne, C. leptostomum, C. nassatus and C. radiatus;

Adult and luminal, larval (L4) stages of Cylicostephanus spp., including Cylicostephanus calicatus, C. goldi, C. longibursatus and C. minutus;

Adult and luminal, larval (L4) stages of Cylicodontophorus spp.;

Adult and luminal, larval (L4) stages of Gyalocephalus capitatus;

Adult stage of Coronocyclus spp., including Coronocyclus coronatus, C. labiatus and C. labratus.

Adult stage of Petrovinema poculatus;

Adult stage of Poteriostomum imparidentatum;

QUEST PLUS Gel is also indicated as an aid in the treatment of parasitic infections caused by the developing, encysted mucosal larvae (LL3 and L4) of cyathostomes. It is expected that the administration of QUEST PLUS Gel as per label directions can eliminate approximately 80% of the developing, encysted cyathostomes.

ASCARIDS (adults and L4)

Parascaris equorum

PINWORMS (adults and L4)

Oxyuris equi

HAIRWORMS (adults)

Trichostrongylus axei

STOMACH BOTS (2nd and 3rd instars)

Gasterophilus nasalis

G. intestinalis


Onchocerca cervicalis

TAPEWORMS (adults)

Anoplocephala perfoliata

LARGE-MOUTHED STOMACH WORMS (adults and gastric L4)

Habronema muscae

QUEST PLUS Gel, when used at the recommended dose, suppresses strongyle egg production for up to 84 days following a single administration, thereby reducing pasture contamination and providing a period of protection from reinfection for equines grazing that pasture.